SpaceX Plans to start testing the satellite-to-cell service of Starlink with T-Mobile this year

SpaceX plans to start testing its satellite-to-cell service of Starlink with T-Mobile this year, an executive of SpaceX reported. Jonathan Hofeller, SpaceX vice president of Starlink enterprise sales, said, “We’re going to learn a lot by doing — not necessarily by over-analyzing — and getting out there.” The market for space-based data services is widely recognized to have…

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The Biotechnology Startup Science Launches a New Platform to Facilitate Medical Device Innovation

Neuralink competitor and Biotechnology startup Science launched a new platform that aims to make it simpler for other firms to quickly develop and manufacture medical devices. The new platform, Science Foundry, allows firms to use and build upon an internal infrastructure of Science by giving access to over 80 of its tools and services, such…

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White House Aims to Shift Cybersecurity Burden to Tech Providers

The White House announced its much-awaited National Cyber Strategy. It provides a road map for how the White House administration aims to defend the USA from an increasing number of online threats. A key element of the new strategy consists of shifting the cybersecurity burden from individuals, local governments, and small businesses to software developers,…

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