Singapore’s IMDA Says, We are currently not looking to Regulate AI

As governments contemplate whether artificial intelligence technology poses risks or threats and whether it needs regulation, Singapore is taking a wait-and-see approach.

Lee Wan Sie, director of trusted AI and data at Singapore’s Infocomm Media Development Authority, said, “We are currently not looking at regulating AI.”

IMDA promotes as well as regulates Singapore’s communication and media sectors.

The Singapore government is taking steps to promote the responsible use of AI.

It is asking companies to collaborate in the world’s first AI testing toolkit — AI Verify — that allows users to perform technical tests on their AI models and also record process checks.

AI Verify was launched in 2022. IBM and Singapore Airlines have already begun pilot testing as part of the program.

AI buzz has recently gathered speed after ChatGPT went viral for its capacity to generate humanlike responses on the basis of prompts from users.

Globally, there have been repeated requests by high-profile leaders for government interventions for addressing the potential threats of AI.

OpenAI’s CEO and Tesla CEO have warned about the threats of AI technology.

“At this stage, it is quite clear that we want to learn from the industry. We will learn how AI is being used before we decide if more needs to be done from a regulatory front,” said Lee, adding that regulation may be introduced at a later stage.

Lee said, “We recognize that as a small country, as the government, we may not have all the answers to this. So it’s very important that we work closely with the industry, research organizations, and other governments.”

Singapore’s Minister for Communications and Information Josephine Teo noted, “While there are very real fears and concerns about AI’s development, we will need to actively steer AI toward beneficial uses and away from bad ones. This is core to how Singapore thinks about AI.”

Stella Cramer, APAC head of international law firm Clifford Chance’s tech group, said, “Singapore could act as a steward in the region for allowing innovation but in a safe environment.”